Wednesday, September 10, 2014

anxiety has always been a part of my life. It's just I didn't know it until a few years ago. Ever since I was a child my parents would install fear in me about everything, telling me not to do this or that because it was dangerous. Don't ride a bike, there is too much traffic here. (I never learned to ride a bike because of this). Don't walk so far away. Be careful of this, of this other thing.
I understand parental concern, but it was so hard for me to do anything out of the routine.

So I stuck to routines from that young age. I remember one day the school bus left me. And I had my first panic attack. Something which was uncalled for, because I had a friend who lived 3 blocks from school. I just had to go there and his mother would drive me home. But suddenly it seemed the world was falling apart. I started trembling and crying. Finally I did walk to that house and I was driven home. But just the thought of it made me lose it. I was like that from such a young age.

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